University of Mary’s 无伴奏 Commissions Music for Eucharistic Revival Project



俾斯麦,和 这个世界有时会感到分裂和失控、混乱、焦虑和持续的动荡. 今天, 人们在寻找一种强大的东西来团结和治愈——不仅仅是天主教徒——而是整个世界. 在这一切中,人们需要被唤醒和提醒——耶稣是通过我们的生活而存在的 真正的 存在. 

“Jesus desires to heal, 更新, 通过将我们再次团结在我们信仰的源泉和顶峰——圣体圣事——周围,将教会和世界统一起来,” states the National Eucharistic Revival web page. 

The National Eucharistic Revival, 这是去年6月发起的一项为期三年的倡议,主题是“基督的圣体和圣血”, 或圣体基督, 是一项运动,旨在通过帮助我们在圣餐中更新对耶稣基督的崇拜,在美国恢复对这一伟大奥秘的理解和奉献,” their website states.   

The University of Mary’s new chapel choir, 无伴奏, is contributing to the revival by featuring Eucharistic music:  polyphony, 赞美诗, 吟唱等等, in their rehearsals, 表演, recording projects. 录音将包括来自MG冰球突破试玩的现场表演, 以及他们在2023年5月与音乐系一起前往西班牙和法国的著名景点, including sites of Eucharistic miracles in Montserrat and Zaragoza, 西班牙. They’ll also include Eucharistic fervorinos from Chaplain, 父亲Bouck, MG冰球突破试玩校长詹姆斯·谢伊(James Shea)是全国圣餐复兴的演讲者之一,也是红衣主教纽曼协会的指导委员会成员 Task Force for Eucharistic 教育.

卡佩拉将委托世界著名作曲家迈克尔·约翰·特罗塔创作《MG冰球突破试玩》. 合唱团刚刚开始学习这部作品,并将在校园一年一度的节日庆典上演唱世界首演. 此外,卡佩拉还在进行“O Sacrum Convivium”的演出,” with more details announced soon.

“我们很高兴为教会委托艺术和美丽的作品-还有什么比将我们的注意力和敬意集中在圣餐上更好的场合呢??雷伯说。, 他也是红衣主教纽曼协会圣餐教育特别小组的成员. “When I heard about the Eucharistic Revival, I knew I wanted to do something from the perspective of music. Music has the capacity to help us understand more fully and gratefully, the mystery and truth of our faith. 无伴奏 shines in a project like this. 每一天, 无伴奏合唱的学生用他们的音乐天赋和他们内心的奉献精神来创造我们社区的美丽. 这是卡佩拉的特殊使命和职责,深植于我们天主教礼仪的核心. We are inspired by our University Ministry patron, St. John Paul II, who, in his Letter to Artists, urged us to craft our music, 美—as a gift to the world. 我们正集中我们的时间和资源,透过音乐为这项重要的倡议贡献力量,好让其他人能更充分地被吸引到圣体圣事的美中. Singing this music in our own university community is certainly a blessing; however, sharing this music  our community is something that we are particularly called to do. 我们渴望走到世界各地,分享我们对神圣音乐和圣体圣事的热爱.”

Trotta相信  is important to the composition process consisting of the three elements — integritasconsonantiaclaritas - Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote in Summa Theologica, that which is beautiful has wholeness, proportion, radiance.

“There are so many things that I love about this text,” commented Trotta. “在我们为这个特殊项目考虑的许多文本中,这个文本从所有其他文本中脱颖而出. 这首赞美诗的历史是,它通常是在弥撒祝圣期间的圣餐仪式上唱的. Mozart and William Byrd have perhaps the most well-known settings of this text, but the hymn itself goes back at least to the 13th century.”

无伴奏 is a new, 这个独一无二的教堂唱诗班成立于2021年,由来自美国和加拿大的大约30名有天赋的圣歌歌手组成. Like a university sports team, each student is recruited and auditioned — and if chosen to join 无伴奏, 他们获得了丰厚的奖学金,在MG冰球突破试玩演唱圣歌.

“无伴奏 is unique,” added Raber. “Students audition from all over the country to be part of this ensemble, full of skilled musicians with a special devotion to sacred music. 学生们就像我们教堂里美丽的彩色玻璃板,当上帝的光芒透过他们时,他们就会发光.”

“As members of 无伴奏, 我们有一个独特的机会来直接安排我们的工作,以荣耀上帝和启发教会, through our participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass,” said Dominic Plummer, a sophomore business administration major from Marietta, GA. “圣体圣事是这个机会的核心,也是我们使命的基础. In our newest project, 我们渴望并有责任在我们自己的团体和教会内,围绕圣体圣事,培养一种复兴的敬拜气氛.”

“Sacred music is an integral part of our 天主教 faith,” reflected Curstin Larson, a sophomore sacred music major from Foley, MN. “它有一种触动人类灵魂的能力,能让人理解教会的伟大真理,这是其他任何东西都无法做到的。. 无伴奏合唱有一种独特的能力,通过美来教育,通过音乐来激发奉献精神.”

无伴奏 is doing its part to fulfill JPII’s wishes and spread God’s glory, 还有什么比在世界舞台上作为为期三年的圣餐复兴的一部分更好的方式呢. Once the collection of recordings is produced after their return from Europe, people will be able to access it through the 无伴奏 website, which also has a page devoted to the Eucharistic Revival Project. 关注卡佩拉的社交媒体,获取圣体复兴项目的更新和高级录音@cappellaumary (Instagram), 脸谱网, 和YouTube).

-UMary -

任何想了解更多本科或研究生课程的人都可以在, or 在线, respectively, or by contacting an admissions representative at, or by calling (701) 355-8030. MG冰球突破试玩是美国仅有的15所推荐的红衣主教纽曼社会住宿学院和大学之一. 

关于 the University of Mary: MG冰球突破试玩秉承“生命之光”的校训,通过尖端的专业课程和研究生课程为学生提供全面的人生教育,这些课程以道德勇气和所选专业的领导能力以及对社区的服务为动力. 一个私人, co-educational 天主教 institution, the University of Mary welcomes students of all faiths and backgrounds.

一个基督徒, 天主教, 本笃会的机构成立于1959年,由本笃会修女报喜修道院, Mary offers nearly 60 bachelor’s, 15个硕士, five doctoral programs—in Business Administration, 教育, 护理实践, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. 在全国大学体育协会(NCAA)和美国大学曲棍球协会(ACHA)会议的管理下,19个体育项目的体育部门坚持其美德伟大的使命. 有3个以上,800名学生, Mary has locations in North Dakota, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, as well as vibrant 在线 offerings. For more information, visit

2022-2023 University of Mary 无伴奏 Choir

无伴奏 Director, Dr. 丽贝卡Raber 


Sophia Ahlquist (Bloomington, MN) 

Cecelia Brennan (Saint Paul, MN) 

Curstin Larson (Foley, MN) 

Kamryn Morrison (Minot, ND) 

Emily Storick (Bismarck, ND) 

Mary Storick (Bismarck, ND) 

Tatiana Van Tiem (Stevens Point, WI)


Kendall Alexander (Eau Claire, WI) 

Emma DeVries (Des Moines, IA) 

Maggie Havlicek (Elko, MN) 

Mary Kracht (West Saint Paul, MN) 

Maleeka Kramlich (Jamestown, ND) 

Rebecca Rell (Merrill, WI) 

Sebella Sorenson (New England, ND)


Landon Ahlquist (Bloomington, MN)

Kalen Hill (Minot, ND) 

Marshall Milless (Andover, MN) 

Dominic Miniatt (Cadott, WI) 

William Oakes (Stillwater, MN) 

Dominic Plummer (Marietta, GA)


Simon Bowden (Fargo, ND) 

Jacob Ganzer (Maple Grove, MN) 

Nicholas Lynch (Holcombe, WI) 

Isaiah Maertens (Center, ND) 

Caleb Raes (Deloraine, Manitoba) 

Joseph Shakal (Bloomer, WI)


Elizabeth Dust (Peoria, IL)

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